Vancouver Centennial geranium
Marguerite daisies
Myrtle- flowering it's head off. Don't you just love the shiney foliage?
Zonal Geranium don't remember what variety.
Ornamental cabbage from a fall planter. Couldn't bring myself to toss it. Should have gotten a picture of it before I pinched the top, but it was going to seed and this way it will branch and look even better.
Ornamental cabbage from a fall planter. Couldn't bring myself to toss it. Should have gotten a picture of it before I pinched the top, but it was going to seed and this way it will branch and look even better.
Escargot Begonia. Pretty nice for growing in 40 degree grnhs.
Some marguerite daisies that are flowering in the middle winter (of course in our greenhouses)
Some marguerite daisies that are flowering in the middle winter (of course in our greenhouses)
OOOPPPSSSS what happened???? I had forgotten I had started this site. Well not really just didn't have time. And didn't quite know what I wanted to do with it....well still don't. But now that I have my new camera I can finally take pictures of our plants and "things".....
I did just start a real website but it's been taking a lot longer to set things up than I thought. My fault because I want it to look perfect and I guess I have to get a pro to do it if I want that. But being a do-it-yourself gal that's hard for me.
Well I promise to show a lot more pictures now. We'll be open around April 1st. Will be here before you know it......